May this quote inspire you and encourage you just because it’s a quote – Anonymous



Quotes are awesome aren’t they? I just love them. But I sometimes feel like I’m being over burdened with a TON of quotes. I like them. Don’t get me wrong. But sometimes I feel like the quotes just don’t capture the exact sentiment I may be feeling. Or maybe it’s just I don’t want the world to know exactly how cynical I’ve become in my adulthood. Idunno.

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7 Simple Steps to Finish Anything You Start.

I had a full week.  The highlight was our church congregation hosting our annual Fall Gospel Meeting.  For those unfamiliar with the church of Christ, a Gospel Meeting is a series of sermons or lectures designed to explain the general aspects of Christianity, the “Good News” of Jesus, and the Plan for mankind to obtain a place in heaven.  It’s given by a guest speaker, directed toward non-members, and by design, it almost always sets to encourage the existing church members as well.

This meeting was no different. Continue reading